Polish Section of AICA

GO TO >> 55th Congress of AICA International – Kraków 2023

GO TO >> Grant project: Art Criticism in V4 Countries after 1989

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The International Association of Art Critics (AICA) is a non-governmental organisation, founded in 1950 under the auspices of UNESCO. Its primary purpose is to support art criticism. Headquartered in Paris, the AICA represents some 4,200 members, from 62 national sections from around the world. AICA’s activities are financed by members’ contributions and support from patrons.

In Poland, AICA is represented by the Polish Section of AICA, which is registered as an association and brings together about 150 people involved in art criticism. Founded in 1955, the association is one of the most numerous and oldest sections of AICA International. Its headquarters is located in the CCA Ujazdowski Castle, 2 Jazdów Street, Warsaw 00-467.
